Friday, January 15, 2010

Another Reason Not To Buy Bottled Water

I was very interested to read in the Wall Street Journal awhile ago about how cavities are becoming more common in children's teeth. It seems that at least part of the reason is that more kids are drinking bottled water and guess what? Bottled water does not contain fluoride. Fluoride helps prevent cavities.

Of course, bottle water is stupid anyway. Why pay $50 a gallon for something you can get from the tap for about half a cent? And at least here in the U.S., what comes out of the tap is pretty much every bit as good as that stuff in bottles.

And then there's the environmental aspect. What needless damage is done to the environment by production of all that packaging and the shipping?

If you really feel like you need to have that water bottle close at hand at all times, just fill it from the tap and reuse it again and again. You'll be doing your pocketbook, the environment, and your teeth a lot of good. Plus, you'll be striking a blow against stupidity.